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Health and Wealth Management
Medical Industry Services

This section is specific to the medical industry and underpayments received from insurance carriers

There are multiple ways we can increase the bottom line in the medical industry, but this section focuses solely on underpayments from insurance carriers to hospitals, surgery centers, urgent care centers, and large medical practices.

Recouping Medical Underpayments

We'll set your goals and decide how best to achieve them

Stryde Solutions, with whom we function as an advisor, has created proprietary software that will detect underpayments made to providers, and then negotiate a settlement between the carrier and the provider. Stryde does not charge anything for this service unless they recoup funds on behalf of the provider. Stryde is HIPAA compliant and will work with whatever billing software you currently use, and they will ONLY look for money on claims that have been deemed paid in full and closed out by the provider. In 100% of the cases, additional funds are found in the form of underpayments via error, incorrect coding, etc. On average, Stryde finds an additional 20% of what was billed and paid over and above whatever has been received.


The requirements to engage their services are:

A minimum of two million dollars annually is billed to their top two or three insurance carriers collectively and multiple billing codes are being used.


A medical facility that bills insurance carriers ten million dollars annually likely has another two million dollars due to them that they aren’t even aware of and have already written off as paid in full!


To reiterate, Stryde charges NOTHING to perform an evaluation and only receives a contingency fee if and when you recoup money from the insurance companies. Most providers have contracts with the insurance carriers that limit how far back money can be recouped. Don’t let another day go by without finding out how much you are owed and putting the money back into your medical practice!


Reach out to us here at Health and Wealth Management to book a discovery call to get all of your questions answered and start the process of recouping lost funds.

(803) 832-0063

©2022 Health and Wellness


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